Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Do You Beleive?

I was reading Matthew 9:29 in The Message Bible and the first line of this passage slapped some sense into me. "...become what you believe."

So here's the question, what do you believe? Do you believe you are successful in every area of your life or are you constantly confessing your imperfections? Do you believe all the negative things that people say about you and your situation or do you believe you have the power to make changes?

If you want to change and achieve, you have to believe you can and stop saying you can't. Words are powerful. Speak positively and you will think positively and eventually, you will believe positively.

I believe I can do all things with Christ's help. What about you?

Friday, April 15, 2011


It's been a while since I posted a "Cute Guy Alert". To make up for it, here are two entries for the CGA Club.

Laz Alonso

He can currently be seen on "The Breakout Kings".

Jason Moma

He's a model and a reason to like dreads on a man.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Happy me

When it comes to my birthday, I'm like a small child. I get all excited for the actual day and don't want to see the day end. I think that's why my family adopted "Birthday Month". This is also the one time of year, I sort of break my healthy eating diet and consume a lot of sugar...followed by a few extra minutes (or miles on my Sony Wii).

Happy me.