"When you are late, you are really telling the person waiting on you so much about the level of honor or dishonor that you walk in. It is important for all of us to respect time! If we miss one moment when God is moving in the earth, it can delay our destiny forever. You will find that when you discover priority, you will have the time you need to accomplish things in life." (excerpt from SOFBI Chapel Service: The Importance of Time by Dr. and Pastor Mike Freeman)
This is something I've been working on. This brief excerpt gives me new insight as to what my behavior really means. I'm just processing and thinking there was probably a lot I missed because of this problem...wow, I apologize God. So today, I'll start with a clean slate and do whatever I have to in order to be on time. If that means setting my clock ahead, going to be earlier and not over scheduling myself, whatever, I'm going to do it. The main thing I can do, is ask God to help me. "Help me God to be on time, in Jesus name, Amen."
What do you think you missed out on because you were late?
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