Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A New Year and...

It's a new year and I'm proud to say, this is the year I will join the ranks of the Self-Published.  As I knock the steps out one by one leading to launch day, I'm a excited.  Like most self-publishing novices, I thought the first book I wrote, would be the first one I published.  WRONG!  My first book is actually the third I've written.  In fact, when I started writing it, I thought it was going to be a stand alone book.  Again the joke was on me.  When I finished the book, one of the characters kept screaming, "What about me?  I have a story to tell."  Thus a sequel was born.  So obedient was I to the voice, I already have the cover and the first 30 plus pages.  Will there be a third book making it a series?  It's too soon to tell, but I'm thinking....

In the next few weeks, I will begin sharing about my baby.  I'm proud of her and I hope you like her as well.

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